Saturday, September 23, 2006


escucho lo que no deberia, pienso lo que debi ignorar... las ideas rodean las conclusiones para hacerla quebrar, para hacerla cambiar...una simple conversacion, bastante honesta de por si, alguien dijo mi nombre, yo dije el nombre de alguien... al rato coqueteando con esa posibilidad "enterrada" aƱos atras... y que al parecer seguira 3 m bajo la tierra del olvido a pesar que los espiritus actuan pareciendo hacerla despertar... kisses are given, not taken... so one was given, and a few more taken... but after that something started, a door, which seemed locked and destroyed before it was able to be opened, left a little light to escape over the day which didn't started to show any sign of once again, something was asked, something was given... something happened and it seemed to be over... and it was asked to be again, and it was given once more, that happened and it seemed it was even... but both asked to be again, so more was give again, silhouettes in the dark, without names, without words of care... just actions which might have said a lot, but was it understood? i haven't been able to read minds for a while so i don't know...and it happened more than twice... and it seems that, this was the last time, even though, it was said before, it was sworn before... will it be fulfilled? hopefully my dear... hopefully.


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