bueh, requeria un lugar exclusivamente para volcar todas esas tonterias/cosas/ideas que se me pasan por la cabeza... algunas que bien de algo pueden servir dependiendo de quien las use... asi que asi empiezo... las rocas tambien pueden ser virtuales... aunque ya estando aqui, dejan de serlo
i needed a place exclusively to drop all those trifflings/things/ideas that come to my mind... some of them might be useful for something depending on who uses it.. so this is how i start... rocks can be virtual too... altough just by being here, they are not anymore
i needed a place exclusively to drop all those trifflings/things/ideas that come to my mind... some of them might be useful for something depending on who uses it.. so this is how i start... rocks can be virtual too... altough just by being here, they are not anymore