Monday, October 30, 2006


few songs

in the day i've to go back to my days
in the night i've to pick up my corpses
i've found out
i've found out that i was alone all the time
and it wasn't as bad as many thought... as many said

i'm strolling
i'm dealing with uncertainty
i'm just whistling a song i don't know
i'm improvising
without any education, a real one, on music
just my taste, my rhythm... and no one ever says anything about it

i'm walkin alone

i'm whistling alone
i'm traveling light with the only thing i need to go on


i see the sun
i see the moon,
i feel the wind and the water beneath
the warm fire within

and the earth that still gives me the sensation of being here

Saturday, October 28, 2006


i write this because i want
i think about this because... i want

even when i know in fact... today... it's like sowing on the clouds

and this song could tell what is on my mind
i haven't forgotten what you were while you were around
i don't even know if you care and so far it looks like the most probable thing is that you won't even know about it... but it's here

someone could understand what i'm going through
i'm alone but not trembling
everyone stares at me, laughs and leaves

if you can speak with your god
ask if i ever stopped thinking of you
and to the sea, mirror of my heart
the times that has seen me crying the illusion of your love

i've looked for you all around and i can't find you
why do i want someone else if you would be still around?
and you... who knows where you'd be wandering
who knows what adventure you'd have that you're far away from me

so this is the report of that part
a few words to explain it

i'm, in some way, stuck with you
yeah, you...

the one who showed me that illusions can be true even for a short time
i'd lie if i don't admit that i wanted to go a little further
i'd lie if i say i'm not looking forward seeing you
i'd lie if i say that i'm not a fool in some way

but that's how i lie on the fields of hope where you left me
that, at least for a moment, there was someone who fulfilled most of what i was looking for
that it wasn't neccesary to search to be found
and in fields of hope my illusion passes by
in fields of hope holds your figure and smiles while says those three words i haven't spoken since then... there it doesn't forget you and, in some way, isn't waiting for you

and that's, in some way, a good part of the ideas that come to my mind
when i think of you

Friday, October 27, 2006

anything on the run

just a song i liked a lot
anything you want by Roy Orbison
stoy los suficientmnt feliz para escribirlo
y vaya q ntr las cosas curiosas d hoy ncontre el blog q sta interesante d una chica de Singapur

"honey honey.. looks like a superstar!"

Thursday, October 26, 2006


es curioso
hasta estupido
como es que aun asalta la idea mi mente
como es que sin permiso arrebata mi concentracion
asi sin delicadeza, solo una sutil sugerencia y caigo

me veo en un espejo en el fondo de este salon
vacio al final de la fiesta, trastos por doquier
y ninguna otra figura que use el aire que libre vaga
nunca espere que se quedara


si lo hice, si sonie con eso
aun conociendo como terminaria el asunto
sabiendo desde el primer momento que con fecha de vencimiento
esto ya habia empezado

asi sostengo la mirada a esa reflexion
toda arreglada
y tampoco hay figuras ajenas a mi en el salon ahi adentro
trastos... recuerdos
algun sonido que de colada completa la escena

pero al final sola en el salon... con mi reflejo al fondo del salon

y sabrias que pienso ahora?
y te importaria saber que pienso ahora?
los dias discurrieron con la anuencia de la memoria
pero esta persistio incolume en su nucleo
abrigando esa ilusion
pensando en que tal vez... este salon no quede solo conmigo

me rio
y cambio mi vestimenta a uno de esos trajes con los que usualmente vago
salto y ya no espero
sigo con lo que debo
y asi estare hasta el momento que, tal vez, esa idea me asalte otra vez
por lo menos se
que no arrebatara de la misma forma... no otra vez

Friday, October 20, 2006


so you've come to see me (again)

the music's rhythm fills the scenario

you're just waiting for me to appear

lights around, changing shapes like the taste of music you've been stepping into these last years...

i come out

i sing my lyrics

i sing about what i've dreamed, do you really care?

i hear you screaming, i hear you calling my name and jumping with the beat i've composed


i move... i reach your eyes

and i start the show just for you

tell me how you feel

there's no one else i could care more about in this world in this moment

and the invisible wall between us

i'm just doing what i know i do best

i ask you to sing with me


let it rain down on me... let it just rain on me... and tell me how you feel, the beat hits us again

are you ready?

a little warm up before i reach the sky, all your hands up, all waiting for the call
and i'm a little nervous, but i know what to do
i should feel terrorized, i should feel relieved
and i trust you, do you trust me?
this is something no one can take away from us

this little moment we share holding our sights
eye to eye in the crowd, i chose you
i have nothing especial, i do nothing you couldn't
i release my demons and angels
i release myself
and i turn and dance and laugh and cry, just like you

the only difference is that i got a little more attention
but it's something you can get too
we're not that different
but we let this invisible wall stand between us
we let this show go on
with the lights above us all
and the sound surrounding our lives, just breathing for the excitement of the moment


and i'll turn around
i will have lost your eyes
but the show must go on
and there's no time for lust
i hear you screaming among all the voices
the music is fading away
i must go... will we ever meet again?
i hope so... i hope so

Thursday, October 19, 2006


viajando en el bus me encontre con pensamientos sobre, en caso de alguna vez tener que responder una pregunta de matiz religioso, cuál sería la mejor respuesta sin caer en el clásico ateismo o agnosticismo?

mas o menos en esa imaginaria entrevista me respondi

"ninguna pues si ahora me estan entrevistando no es por la simpatia o antipatía que me haya ganado o me pueda ganar de algún sector religioso en particular, estoy aqui por otros méritos y creo que este es un punto para poner a reflexionar a la gente que considera que 'su' creencia es la única a la que pertenecen personajes que aportan algo de corazón a la sociedad"

al regreso de ese viaje me di cuenta lo importante en si no es la creencia que la gente adopte sino el hecho que mediante ésta pueda encontrar en sí misma esa sincera calidad y calidez humana con la cual se permite compartir y vivir con tolerancia en este mundo... entonces me di cuenta que eventualmente en cierta forma, a mi entender, la religión o creencia de vida que uno lleve es como la pluma de Dumbo, es sólo algo en lo cual enfocarse para explotar aquello que en cada uno reside pero al igual que la pluma de Dumbo, hasta que la persona misma no se de cuenta que está volando por su cuenta, lo mejor será no hacerle notar que lo que sostiene es una simple y ligera pluma

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


an illusion i must confess
an illusion is what fills my head and takes solitude to another path
and that's how that memory comes back and with that bright smile that reminds me the day when i said "it's ok, i'm stayin', i'm stayin'!" right in the moment when i turned and saw that figure coming up the stairs, looking a little tired, a little worried... and i just said "i missed you so much! i called you! where have you been?" (and it only was a week without seeing each other)... and well, that's the illusion, the name i shouldn't speak, not even whisper... i just should... let it rest because the only sure thing is that this illusion is in my mind and look like always be like i said when i answered "siempre"

Sunday, October 08, 2006

call it loud

the sun in shining outside, here i'm still wearing pjs and blue jeans... who else would care? i should, i know i should..
and no one is asking for me until 5 when the meeting is taking place
and the sun will be shining by then? i don't know, what would Apollo say?

and i write what comes to my freak mind, kinda blue but still together (to get her mind - my mind!)
i'll take a walk... no
i'll ride my bike... good night!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

oh musas

ayer lei una novela, "memorias de un ingeniero"... solo lo puedo resumir ahora en una palabra "genial" ... y es que despues de casi 14 horas de estar coligiendo ideas, armando oraciones y parrafos enteros de la reflexion a la que dicha lectura me llamo... abri esta pagina y PUF! no hay palabras, no hay oraciones... es mas... la inspiracion se quedo en la pagina anterior... aaarg... tendre que educarme mejor en estas lides de escribir lo que vale la pena y no las excusas para no haberlo hecho!